Down to 50 entries

Although we are running beyond our timeline, we have made significant progress. Its tempting to give a date, but we will resist. What we can tell you for sure, is that 78 percent of the work has been done.

We understand the anxiety and even frustration by entrants, but it will be worth it.
For this, we sincerely apologize, and are learning lessons which will improve the administration of the 2019 and future prizes.

That being said, we have ensured that each entry, each story has been given the best shot at being selected to the next stage through a meticulous and vigorous process using a set criteria.

We are down to 50 entries from 317. Fifty entries; each unique, strong with an equal chance to advance to the next stage.

We are now busy with the long-list of 30. We will be publishing the 30 long-listed entries here and other platforms. We will also communicate directly to each of the 30 entrants.

The prize remains USD1000 cash to the winner.

Then, we have an exciting development which we will announce together with the short-list.

Twalumba, once more, for your patience. If you have questions, issues (not addressed in this update) please ask.

Join us on our vibrant Facebook page and please follow us on Twitter


2 thoughts on “Down to 50 entries”

  1. It would have been nice to get feedback on the submissions that were not shortlisted so that the writers know how far they are or if they have the potential, what happened to their stories or if the other stories went down the drain. I know there were a lot of submissions but feedback will move the amateur writers a step ahead if feedback and criticisms are given .


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